
Openness is an organizing principle on the rise. However, to date there are no comprehensive educational materials to explore dimensions, benefits and limitations of organizational openness.

With this textbook project, we want to contribute to changing that. In “Organizing Openness: Concepts and Cases” (O2C2) we intend to cover theoretical concepts (e.g., transparency, participation, boundaries) as well as phenomena of openness (e.g. open innovation, open strategy, open government).

While O2C2 deliberately follows the traditional textbook format, we also plan to transcend this format eventually. We will offer additional material such as slide decks, videos and interactive exercises here on this website.

To make this project as open as possible, we report on our progress on this blog, invite feedback from the community on our textbook-in-progress, and will make the textbook available as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Using an open license (CC BY 4.0), anyone will be allowed to use, share, and remix the learning material for any purpose without the need to clear the rights.